About AvaStars
A brand new collection of mixed media acrylic [...]
Gruppbesök i Ateljén / Group meetings
Jag välkomnar bokade besökare till ateljén året runt. [...]
School project – Söndrebaljsskolan
My school project has come to an end [...]
Öppen Ateljé – Påsken 2023
Välkomna till ateljén i Påsk! Öppet 7 dagar [...]
Öppen ateljé
Välkomna att besöka ateljén Datum: 10 11 & [...]
Konståret / Art-year 2022
Click here to see a short playlist of [...]
Uppdrag / Konstfrämjandet Skåne
”Så arbetar konstnären” ett projekt i två delar Hösten [...]
Huge thanks to clients, friends and family that came to the Opening of my solo exhibition at UMA Gallery, Stockholm February 15th. Just a quick & heart filled shout out of gratitude to you all❤️
Exhibition continues until 6/3
UMA Gallery, Hornsgatan 36A, Stockholm
Pictures by @aliciabergenstrahle
#abstractart #abstractpainting #kunst #art #artgalleries #contemporary #modernart #umagallerystockholm #konstgalleri #stockholm #abstrakt #artcollector #artdealer #galleries #gallery #artist #paulinelindberg
Such an amazing experience and a huge honor it is to be the first artist to open this beautiful gallery in Stockholm with a solo exhibition. So many more pictures to share filled with clients and wonderful friends and family that joined us from near and far. Thank you all for sharing this journey with me!
Huge thanks to all the old and new collectors for choosing my artwork for your business and homes. I wouldn’t be here without your love for my work.
And last but not least a warm hearted Thanks to Andreas Dienert & Cecilia Lindvall at UMA Gallery for inviting me to join your wonderful gallery. It was meant to be.
UMA Gallery, Hornsgatan 36A, Stockholm @umagallerystockholm
The exhibition is open until 6th of March.
Open hours
Wednesday — Thursday
12am — 6pm
Friday — Sunday
12pm — 4pm
#artcollector #artgallery #artgalleries #kunstgalerie #kunstgallerie #gallery #artgalleries #livingroom #artexhibition #exhibition #soloexhibition #paulinelindberg #umagallerystockholm #stockholm #ängelholm #båstad #skåne #abstractart #abstraktekunst
It’s an amazing feeling returning to Stockholm to open up my solo exhibition at UMA Gallery this upcoming Saturday, 15th of February.
On the note of places one is familiar with that’s exactly what this piece is all about and is included in the exhibition that will be open 15/2-6/3. Welcome!
Title: Stomping Ground 100 x 80 cm | 39 x 31 in
acrylic | mixed media | linen
#artgallery #kunstgalerie #galleri #exhibition #stockholm #umagallerystockholm #paulinelindberg #abstractartist #abstractpainting #abstraktekunst #abstractexpressionism